Irma Strikes Marathon
This week the city of marathon and the Florida keys had a terrible hurricane come through forever changing the lives of many. After many painstaking days, we were finally able to get boots on the ground and report the status of Anglers at Sombrero to our home owners, employees, and friends. We are proud to report the homes of our customers performed exceptionally.
The developer, the residents, employees and everyone else involved with Anglers at Sombrero would also like to send a Very special thank you to the many local officials, law enforcement, national guard and so many more risking so much to make sure that everyone in marathon land on their feet and continue forging on.
We look forward to having our current home owners return to their beautiful homes and completing additional homes for future clients. The developers of Anglers at Sombrero are committed to seeing the city of Marathon not only survive this, but return better and brighter than before. Please keep the city of marathon and the Florida keys in your hearts and prayers and we look forward to seeing you very soon.
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