Hello. I’m a millennial and I just bought a house. Why? No I don’t have kids and no I’m not dying to be Suzy Homemaker…so why’d I do it?    

There are several reasons people buy houses, but for me, it had to do with two main ingredients to my life. I come from a decently small town in good ole’ Missouri where a million dollar home, is a MILLION DOLLAR HOME, if you know what I’m sayin’. Your money goes a long way. I moved to Florida after graduating college. I rented for 3 months and said forget this. Why is housing so expensive here!? So I bought a house. Which, by the way, my mortgage is cheaper than the two bedroom condo I was renting, so I feel like I can mark that down as a win.

It wasn’t so much that I didn’t want to pay someone else’s mortgage when I could be putting it towards my own, although, yes, that was appealing. It was truly because I couldn’t even afford to live in that place by myself if I wanted to. I’m tens of thousands of dollars in debt from college and bills stack up. Trust me, if they didn’t, I’d be paying someone to mow my lawn (the ONLY thing I miss about renting that condo). Plus, it’s everyone’s dream of owning a home, right? I’ve made it. I am an adult now.

So, cost was one reason. It made sense for me to buy vs. rent. I have another reason, though. And I’m going to be honest with you. Me, in the raw, which come to find out is like most other millennials (thank you, news channels, for informing me that I’m ‘basic’). The other important factor: My dog. Ugh I know, I hate saying it out loud. My mother would just ask me “Why not have kids instead? At least they don’t usually die before you.” (True statement; she said that). But, I’m a dog mom now and I have a responsibility. She needed a fenced in yard and one that I didn’t have to spend 15 minutes driving to.

Studies show that the number one reason millennials buy a home is, in fact, because of their dog. I’m not the only weirdo that treats her dog like a baby. Our dogs are important to us and if that means settling down and giving them a home, then us millennials are willing to do that.

If you’ve been thinking about buying a home, take the leap. You’ll be happy you did. 

Posted by The New Home Spot on


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