The Secret to Being a Successful Realtor While Being a Full-Time Mother
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Being a Successful Realtor and Full-Time Mother
We've talked about how real estate can be a rewarding career path, in part, because you get to "pick your own hours". We've also talked about how in order to be a successful real estate agent, you need to put in the work and treat it as if it were an 8-5 job. Sure, working from home is great, but what do you do if you have children? How do you juggle building a real estate business and caring for your family? We're going to take a look into how one of our most successful agents, who also happens to be a full-time mother, handles her business.
Interview with Katherine Paquette:
Q: How do you balance being a busy mother and a busy professional?
K: No one has a crystal ball to tell you how busy…
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